
AbstractMonitoring bedload transport in rivers is a challenging research domain teeming with technical innovations and methodological developments aimed at improving our knowledge and models of bedload processes at different spatial–temporal scales. Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has improved sediment tracking, allowing the characterisation of transport processes of individual particles at flood‐event scales. Meanwhile, geophone sensors have enabled the long‐term continuous monitoring of seismic signals that can provide surrogate measures of bedload fluxes at local scales, during flood events and at sediment‐pulses. The combination of these two techniques could allow sediment transport processes to be linked with both flood events and sediment pulses. In this study, we used a combination of active ultra‐high frequency RFID technology and geophone monitoring stations to link the virtual velocity of tracers with seismic activity, hydraulic forcing, and the properties of the tracked particles. Single and multiple regression models show that seismic activity best explained the observed variance (81%) of the virtual velocity of particles, in comparison with discharge (58%) and stream power (63%). Furthermore, when several control variables (seismic activity and particle properties) were combined in an empirical model, the model explained 89% of the variance and allowed quantification of the portions of the variance explained by hydraulic forcing, geophonic activity and tracked particles. These results show the high potential of these combined monitoring techniques for future in‐field experiments to investigate bedload processes at different spatiotemporal scales in rivers of different morphologies.

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