
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a chronic endocrinopathy characterized by hyperandrogenism and anovulation that may pervade psychological dimensions such as dispositional optimism. Considering how PCOS influences mental health and the lack of studies on this matter, this research was aimed at assessing optimism and associated factors in PCOS. A case–control study of 156 patients with PCOS and 117 controls was conducted. All woman filled out the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R), a self-report questionnaire for measuring dispositional optimism. Medication, pain severity, gynecological, and sociodemographic information was also collected. Lower optimism was found in patients with PCOS compared to controls, even after covariate adjustment (LOT-R global scores: 14.1 vs. 15.9, p = 0.020). Our study provides evidence that a personality characteristic with important implications in illness prognosis may be affected in PCOS. We propose to assess dispositional optimism with the LOT-R scale in the gynecological appointment and tailor medical attention accordingly as a way to improve the comprehensive care of these patients within a multidisciplinary team.


  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a chronic endocrinological condition affecting4–21% of women during their reproductive years, depending on the diagnostic criteria [1].Patients show a broad range of symptoms for which hyperandrogenism and anovulation are responsible, such as hirsutism, menstrual and fertility disorders, obesity, and even emotional symptoms, which are extremely challenging for women diagnosed with this disorder [2]

  • If a personality trait can be influenced through therapy in people with chronic pain, it may be possible to conclude that, an altered personality trait might, have been developed as a consequence of the pain itself [40]. We considered factors such as infertility problems or pain severity that may affect optimism and even so, dispositional optimism was lower in PCOS

  • Given that the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) questionnaire is a fast, low participant burden and reliable tool that may assess optimism in an easy and specific way, we propose to consider incorporating it into daily gynecological practice

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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a chronic endocrinological condition affecting4–21% of women during their reproductive years, depending on the diagnostic criteria [1].Patients show a broad range of symptoms for which hyperandrogenism and anovulation are responsible, such as hirsutism, menstrual and fertility disorders, obesity, and even emotional symptoms, which are extremely challenging for women diagnosed with this disorder [2]. Women with PCOS face the challenge of this multidimensional condition and must learn to cope with their situation. Their motivation and ability to implement and maintain successful lifestyle changes that are critical in this disorder may be affected by multiple factors [3], including patient’s individual predispositions such as dispositional optimism [2,4]. Optimism is a stable personality characteristic that reflects the extent to which people hold generalized favorable expectations for the future [4,5].

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