
Freshly harvested Thaumatococcos daniellii, was plucked and processed for its vegetable leaf protein concentrates with a view to evaluate its proximate constituents, amino acid content and mineral composition. Proximate analysis was determined using standard analytical technique. The nutrient composition of the protein concentrates revealed; the moisture content (9.94±0.01), crude fat (6.69±0.23), crude fibre (13.06 ±_0.17), crude protein (52.07 ± 0.20), ash (15.10 ± 0.13) and Carbohydrate (1.12±0.43). The mineral content of the sample indicated that Ca, Mg, K, and Na are the most abundant minerals with the following values Na;70.6±0.42,Ca;19. 70±0.28, K; 90.3±0.42, Mg; 103.9±0. 76, other minerals that were presentin the sample in trace concentration are Fe(2.00 ± 0.46), Zn (2.90± 1.06), Mn (2.50± 0.12), Cu (0.2± 0.58), Pb (0.1± 0.44), while selenium were not detected in the sample indicating that the leaf concentrate is fit for dietary consumption. The amino acid profile reveals favourable nutritional balance with the presence of essential and nonessential amino acids except that tryptophan which was believed to be predominant in animal protein was not detected.

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