
The laterality of verbal and nonverbal learning and memory to the left and right temporal lobes, respectively, has received much empirical support. Researchers have often used the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) as a measure of verbal learning and memory in these investigations. However, a precise analog of the RAVLT that uses stimuli difficult to encode verbally has not been reported. Further, although researchers have developed some measures that are essentially visuospatial analogs of the RAVLT, no correlational data have been reported attesting to the relation between the measures. The authors report the development of a nonverbal analog of the RAVLT, referred to as the Design Learning Test (DLT). Also, the authors present correlational data supporting a relation between the DLT and RAVLT, and they hope that the present study will stimulate research investigating whether the DLT is sensitive to right temporal lobe functioning.

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