
Multi-source satellite products performance evaluation for varied geographical locations aids in quantification of hydrological variables and is useful in the strategy making and conservation of the hydrological resources available in a basin. The work was focused on assessing utility of multi-source satellite datasets to obtain the estimation of hydrologic variables and provide solution for areas that are poorly gauged. Assessment of the multi-source-satellite products was performed for the poorly gauged river basin with the help of SWAT concerning the Palar River basin, India. We analysed time series at the monthly, seasonal, and annual scales to quantify surface runoff, water yield, ET, & PET at the calibration station and for the entire basin for the period 2003 to 2021. SWAT model estimated highest monthly water yield during November–December, with annual water yield being maximum (220 mm in 2010) and average (99.4 mm), which can be used to understand water resources for irrigation, drinking aspects, and net storage. Average monthly surface runoff patterns were similar for SWAT, TerraClimate, and FLDAS. The FLDAS and SWAT simulated surface runoff show a resemblance in pattern and magnitude for the monthly and annual time series of the average basin scenario. The monthly PET obtained from SWAT and ERA-5 show a similar pattern for the entire basin and at the calibration site. The ET derived from satellite observation has over-predicted the model output at both the calibration site and entire basin.

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