
In this study, the mineralogical composition and concentration of heavy metals in surfacesediment of North West Persian Gulf (Musa estuary and Hendijan coastline) were investigated. Fifteensampling sites were selected and the sediment samples were collected using Peterson grab sampler in August2013. XRD analyses demonstrated that the sediments of study area are principally composed of calcite,quartz and dolomite. The high concentration of calcium carbonate can be derived from limestone and frequencyremains of benthic organisms. The metal concentrations compared with values of these metals in the averageshale, indicated that all the sampling sites are contaminated with Pb and Ni. The results of enrichment factorand geoaccumulation index demonstrated that at sites 3, 4, 5, 6 (near Emam port and petrochemical plant site),14 and 15 (adjacent Bahregan port) have high metal concentrations due to anthropogenic activities such asdischarge of industrial, agricultural and residential wastewaters and shipping. Based on the average shalecontents, the result of EF are more reliable than the Igeo index.

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