
Objectives: The prime objective of this study is to access the level of burnout among healthcare professionals using BAT tool. Also, the association of job satisfaction and workload factors is tested with burnout. Study Design and setting: A cross-sectional multi-centered study in Lahore during the month of August 2022 to Jan 2023. The data was collected from healthcare professionals in three tertiary care hospitals in Lahore. Methodology: The data was collected from clinicians and staff nurses. The required sample size was calculated as 172. Data was collected using Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) proposed by Schaufeli (2020). BAT was initially proposed with 33 items. BAT-S was the proposed 33-item version with four core dimensions and two secondary dimensions. The average score for each dimension was calculated and interpreted as given by Schaufeli in user manual for BAT-S. Results: Exhaustion was high among 55.8% of the participants. Mental distance was high among 34.3% of the participants whereas it was normal among 46.5%. Nearly 90% of the participants were satisfied from their jobs, committed to their jobs and accept responsibilities. Job satisfaction was significantly associated with burnout level. Lack of organizational influence and poor internal communication were statistically significantly related with level of burnout. Conclusion: The study was conducted to highlight the level of burnout among healthcare professionals. We found that very high level of burnout was observed in cognitive impairment followed by emotional impairment. The average level of burnout was more common among participants with job satisfaction and good internal communication.

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