
West Sumatra is one of has big geothermal energy resources potential. Remote sensing technology can have a role in geothermal exploration activity to measure the distribution of land surface temperatures (LST) and predict the geothermal potential area. Main study to obtain the assessment of Landsat 8 TIRS (Landsat`s Thermal Infrared Sensor) data capability for geothermal energy resources estimation. Mono-window algorithms were used to generate the LST maps. Data set was combined with a digital elevation model (DEM) to identify the potential geothermal energy based on the variation in surface temperature. The result that were derived from LST map of West Sumatra shows that ranged from -8.6 C 0 to 32.59 C 0 and the different temperatures are represented by a graduated pink to brown shading. A calculated result clearly identifies the hot areas in the dataset, which are brown in colour images. Lima Puluh Kota, Tanah Datar, Solok, and South Solok areas showed the high-temperature value (Brown) in the range of 28.1 C 0 to 32.59 C 0 color in images which means that they possess high potential for generating thermal energy. In contrast, the temperatures were lower (Pink) in the north-eastern areas and the range distribution was from-8.5 C 0 to 5 C 0 .

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