
The industrial sector is always in need of land for factory as well as other supporting facilities, on the other side of the ability of the environment (support) the uneven terrain of every area in favor of intensive activities such as industry. Land uses that are not adapted to the support power, will cause pollution, damage, disaster and loss that generally uses the environment. The purpose of this research was to assess the resources support neighborhood Grati district associated with the existence of a plan to build an industrial area in accordance with the direction of Grati utilization of space in the spatial plan of the Pasuruan Regency area. In this study of land carrying capacity power comparison capability and land use. The Analysis technique used is the technique of overlay with analysis tools namely software using the software Arcgis 10.1. The parameters of the ability of land-adapted to the characteristics of the land for industry, namely the slope the slope ranges 0-25% on the slope of 25-45% can be developed with industry improvement area contours, and on a slope above 45% not allocated as an industrial area, the type of soil that is not easy slopes, the intensity of the rain of less than 3000 mm, potential landslide and flood-prone lowlands. Each parameter will be provided scoring between 1-5. Score of 1 was given to the condition of land the most harm, and a score of 5 is given for the condition of the land which supports most of the location industry. The result scoring is divided in 5 clases those are bad (5-9), is bad (9.1-13), medium (13.1), good (17,1-9) and good (21.1-25). The need for industrial land, calculated from the vast land of existing industries. Based on research results, obtained the ability to land on the area of research has 3 classes of 5 classes, i.e. good, moderate and bad. The results of the comparison between the broad capabilities and the needs of the farm industry, it can be concluded that the power of the land to support the industry in Grati still has not been exceeded.

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