
The present and future health care technologies show dynamic development in all aspects in medical care. To meet the current trends in informatics, a nurse need nursing informatics competencies. The objectives of the study were to determine the knowledge score of nursing faculty towards nursing informatics and to find the association of knowledge score with the selected demographic variables. This cross sectional descriptive study was employed using convenient sampling of 441 nurses’ who work in selected institutes, schools and college of nursing in northwest India. The subjects who had at least 1 year teaching experience, also willing to participate in the study and present at the time of data collection were adopted as samples. In contrast, nursing faculty who held doctorate degree in nursing and who were exposed to their session already, i.e. pilot study were excluded from the study. Structured knowledge tool which has been validated by nursing and statistical experts was used for data collection. Ethical consideration was obtained from the respective authorities. Informed consents was taken from the subjects and ensured about confidentiality of information provided by them. The study revealed that nursing faculty had average awareness towards nursing informatics. The mean ± SD knowledge score of nurses’ towards nursing informatics was 12.76 (51.04%) ± 3.079. Statistically significant associations were observed with variables such as age qualification, computer experience, learning computer skills formally from the school, course obtained, adequate number of computers in the institution and free access to institution’s computer. To put in shot, nursing faculties require knowledge in order to bring up efficient student nurses, consequently a better nursing care.

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