
Background: pulmonary Tuberculosis is a common health problem among the community in the world although in Ethiopia treatment outcomes with TB are poor. Furthermore, care seeking for the community contacts of TB patients is poor. Interventions to address this situation may rely on community knowledge, attitude and practice of the problem. The main aim of this study was to assess knowledge, attitude and practices about pulmonary tuberculosis among the community in bahil adarash sub-city of Adare kebele, southern Ethiopia hawassa, June 2019 Methods: a community based cross-sectional study was conducted Pre-tested and interview administered questionnaire was used. Data entry and analysis were performed by using SPSS version 16 software. Descriptive statistics were done.Ethical clearance for the study was granted by the Ethical Review of Rift Valley University Department of Public Health. The final sample was 257 households. The study was done on June 2019 Results: The results showed that from the total 600 household of the 257 questioner 200 questionnaires was felid properly from the two hundreds 113 (56.5%) were male and 87(43,5 %) female Almost 94% of the participants knew that TB is caused by a germ. With regard to symptoms, knowledge was low in relation to fever with night sweats (95%) and enlargement of neck glands (80%). The study also revealed knowledge gaps regarding the real cause of the disease and the prescribed duration of anti-TB treatment with 25 % of the participants not knowing the correct duration. Conclusions: The knowledge of community was very high regarding about pulmonary tuberculosis cause, way of transmission, and associated risk factors. The, study, show that 98% said that TB is curable, most participants said that anyone can get TB while only 2% that only with HIV can get TB.in line with the finding of these study the regional health bureau should conduct health education on TB in the community to complement the knowledge, practice and attitudes of the community.

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