
The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and practice of pregnant women toward iron deficiency anemia in Port Said primary health care centers. The present study was descriptive research study. It was conducted in 12 Port Said primary health care centers. The study sample consisted of 300 pregnant women. The data was collected through structured interviewing schedule to assess the knowledge and practice of pregnant women toward iron deficiency anemia in Port Said primary health care centers. Results: The study results revealed that the majority of pregnant woman (82.33%) had mild anemia. Mean percentage of woman's knowledge was 96%. The majority of them had satisfactory knowledge regarding definition, symptoms of anemia, importance of iron supplements, and side effects (88.67%, 97.33%, 91.33%, & 80.33% respectively). The mean percentage of woman's practice was 65.1%, and the majority of them had unsatisfactory level of practice regarding use of iron supplements with fruit juice, and use of iron supplements before meals (80.67%, & 92.67% respectively). Conclusions: This study concluded that most of pregnant women had mild anemia but they need more attention. The study recommended health education to all attending pregnant women in MCH centers should be provided to improve health practices towards to prevent iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy.

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