
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the common emotional, cognitive and behavioraldisorder in primary school children and it affects on children socially and academically, welfare . an importantrole in identify of AD/HD due to their daily contact with students in a range of related situations. Basically,elementary school teachers’ need to Knowledge and enhance their positive attitude on pupils with ADHD tocreate a positive learning environment. Consequently, the present investigator made an insight into the aimof the study as follows: to assess teachers’ Knowledge and attitude toward pupils with ADHD and to findout the correlation between knowledge of primary school teachers’ regarding ADHD. As well as to find outthe relationship between the teachers’ knowledge and their demographic data. The study was conducted onat governmental primary schools at Al-Najaf City, Iraq. A total of the (10) governmental primary schoolsselected randomly from total (253) governmental primary schools in Al-Najaf City. A purposive (nonprobability)sample of (70) primary school teachers’ were selected from the candidate schools were includedin the present study. During the period of 1st September 2018 to 30th May 2019. The data was collected byquestionnaire which consisted of two parts, first part consists socio demographic sheet. Second part is aboutknowledge and attitude which consist of (53) items scale of teachers’ knowledge and attitude about childrenwith ADHD . In the present study. Findings revealed a poor in teachers’ knowledge of as well as satisfiedresponses attitude (negative)to pupils with AD/HD among elementary school teachers. Fondly the our mainfindings indicate that there is a significant positive correlation between the teachers’ knowledge and theteachers attitude toward children with AD/HD. And there is a significant relationship between demographiccharacteristics and do of knowledge for the sample such as: (age,education level, years of experience,mainsources of information). Thus, it is recommended for responsible parties to notes the need for greater effortsto provide teacher training specifically in identifying and managing children with ADHD.

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