
The study was carried out for validation of IPM practices in tomato crop. It showed that higher emergence of tomato seedling (80-90%) was recorded with bio agent treated seeds at raised bed than untreated seeds in fl at bed traditionally. Demonstrated fi eld showed minimum incidence of insects and diseases like fruit borer, whitefl y, damping-off , blights, buckeye rot, wilt and leaf curl viruses than farmer’s practices i.e. 80-90%. increase in yield over farmer practice was upto 12.00 per cent. Mostly Farmers preference to grow hybrid varieties of tomato crop with use of excess number of seeds, fertilizer and pesticides but could not get respectable yield. IPM demonstrated plot showed Rs. 75000 per ha. additional return over farmer practices with extra saving of Rs. 5000 per ha. from cost of cultivation. So, demonstrations of IPM practices in this crop were urgent ally required. It was further observed that in terms of economics higher net returns per hectare compared to framers’ practices in both years. Average per cent technology index was 35.50 indicated the urgent need of motivation of farmers for adopting the economical and sustainable technologies for increasing production, productivity and profi tability of tomato crop. Thus, adoption of IPM module is an economically, ecologically viable and profi table venture.

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