
The study presented in this paper investigates the application of the Hybrid Model, which is the combination of the two strategies of the Built-to-Order Model and the Dynamic Eco-strategy Explorer Model, to robotic vacuum cleaners. The Hybrid Model aims to switch the market power from seller-driven perception to buyer-driven one by creating an individual perspective from the eye of users rather than traditional customer segmentation. The human-centered approach established theoretically has been tested with a determined procedure that includes prototyping, testing, and evaluating the proposed customization system for robotic vacuum cleaners to increase the interaction degree with purchasers. In this case, robotic vacuum cleaners have been chosen to implement and assess the hypothesis. Firstly, the successful prototyping of the Hybrid Model requires well customer analysis and habits determination to build well-constructed and coherent interaction between the purchaser and the robot. We utilized a content analysis of robotic vacuum cleaners and elaborative, conventional interviews with early adopters and early majority of this technology in Turkey to establish credible scenarios and product options during the phases of the Hybrid Model practice. The results of the interview were discussed, and the evaluations have been reported.

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