
Management of information system helps in strengthening of service deliveries in the health sector as it provides the data which is very important at micro-macro planning and for proper programme implementation. The HMIS (Health Management Information System) and PCTS (Pregnancy, Child Tracking System) both web portals are such system programmes which are developed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI and Department of Medical, health and Family Welfare, GOI (Govt. of Rajasthan) respectively. These portals are not only helpful in proper and timely monitoring of input-output of different interventions but also improve the services for beneficiaries and service providers. These web portals are providing to great extent monthly facilities based of service delivery information. In view of this the present paper aims at assessment of the correctness of reported performance of deliveries and field verification by key informants under HMIS and PCTS programme. Paper is based on primary and secondary data sources.

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