
The two high-resolution global gravity field models, EGM2008 and EIGEN-6C, are compared with ground truth in Finland and surrounding areas. Thereafter, the models are used as background models in the calculation of a quasi-geoid model for Finland. The differences between height anomalies calculated from the global models and from two GPS-levelling datasets for Finland show standard deviations between 5 and 7 cm. Comparisons with free-air anomalies show small and homogeneously distributed differences over most of the area. In both comparisons the largest discrepancies are found close to the Russian border east of the 29° longitude line. This is most probably due to lower resolution Russian data used in the global models. When the global models are used as background models in the calculation of a quasi-geoid model for Finland, the problems around the 29° longitude line disappear. Comparison between the final quasi-geoid models and GPS-levelling data show an improvement over earlier models for Finland.

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