
In the present study, heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) level in the water, sediment, and crabs were analyzed from Noyyal and Chinnar Rivers of the Western Ghats in Tamil Nadu, India. Based on our results, Noyyal River is considered as polluted environment due to the discharge of contaminants by various anthropogenic activities, whereas, Chinnar River maintained as unpolluted one due to its tributary nature of Noyyal River located in Western Ghats hills. The results showed that the heavy metals in water and sediments were higher in Noyyal River. Also, the level of bioaccumulation of studied metals and biochemical constituents were higher in the crab Spiralothelphusa hydrodroma sampled from Noyyal River than Barytelphusa cunicularis collected from Chinnar River. The present findings revealed that the crab sampled from Noyyal River had elevated heavy metals which lead to a significant increase in biochemical constituents to overcome the stress.

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