
The thermal process is one of the processes used in the treatment of solid waste generated from the activities of health service facilities (hospitals, health centers, clinics). The risk in the incineration process is the ash produced, the ash produced contains hazardous and toxic compounds so management needs to be carried out according to Government Regulations Ministry of Health RI number 56 of year 2015 and Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 9 of 2019. The purpose of this study was to find out how to handle health service facilities’ waste ash following applicable standards and friendly to the environment. This research is qualitative descriptive research. The research was conducted at the Moewardi Hospital Installation section. Sources of data in this study came from primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques were carried out by collecting data through interviews with sanitation employees and incinerator operators, reviewing documents, and field observations. Waste that can be treated with an incinerator is waste generated in health service activities such as syringes, bottles/ampoules, infusion needles. Management of incinerator combustion ash is carried out based on applicable regulations. The utilization of incinerator ash needed to be an environmentally friendly and sustainable product.

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