
Groundwater resources in Jordan are under huge stresses. Accomplishing good water quality requires monitoring of water resources. Azraq spring considered the main source for drinking water of Fuhais City in Balqa governorate. The catchment area of the spring is less than 23 km2 and forms part of the side wadis feeding the groundwater basin in wadi Shuaib. This study aims to assess the vulnerability of groundwater to pollution that may result from agricultural activities and Fuhais wastewater treatment plant using GIS and DRASTIC model functions. Each symbol of the DRASTIC refers to one of the seven DRASTIC model parameters: Depth to water (D), Net recharge (R), Aquifer formation (A), Soil (S), Topography or slope (T), Impact of vadose zone (I) and Hydraulic conductivity (C). The final map of vulnerability showed 5 classes with different percent for each. These were: very low (5%), low (16%), moderate (11%), high (34%) and very high (34%). In terms of area, the high and very high vulnerability classes distributed over 7.75 Km2, while the low vulnerability distributed over 1.10 Km2. Implementation of DRASTIC model showed increasing the vulnerability of ground water to contamination in the western part of study area because of the vadose zone and due to soil properties in this part of the study area. As such, vulnerability to pollution increased from the upstream area, where the treatment plant is located to the downstream area following the direction of flow and according to permeability. Water depth, net-recharge and media of aquifer had neglected effect of vulnerability map because it had one value at overall study area for each one. DRASTIC parameters could be arranged according to its effect on vulnerability map as I > S > C > T > (D = R = A).


  • Groundwater resources in Jordan are under huge stresses due to high population growth, and limited water resources due to deterioration of groundwater quality, and limited financial resources

  • This study aims to assess the vulnerability of groundwater to pollution that may result from agricultural activities and Fuhais wastewater treatment plant using GIS and DRASTIC model functions

  • This study aims to assess the vulnerability of groundwater to pollution that may result from agricultural activities and Fuhais wastewater treatment plants using DRASTIC model

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Groundwater resources in Jordan are under huge stresses due to high population growth, and limited water resources due to deterioration of groundwater quality, and limited financial resources. Accomplishing good water quality requires monitoring of water resources. Azraq spring considered the main source for drinking water of Fuhais city. The contribution of Azraq spring to the drinking water of Fuhais and Mahis areas started to decline in the last two decades due to the increase in E-coli and nitrate [2]. This study aims to assess the vulnerability of groundwater to pollution that may result from agricultural activities and Fuhais wastewater treatment plants using DRASTIC model. The concept of groundwater vulnerability was first introduced in France by the end of the 1960s to create awareness of groundwater contamination [3]

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