
The recent intensification of extreme rainfall events has the potential to aggravate the frequency and intensity of floods in urban areas and signals the urgent need for accurate and high spatiotemporal resolution precipitation data for flood monitoring and warning to alleviate the associated damages. In this context, this paper aims to statistically assess the latest Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals from Global Precipitation Measurement (IMERG) multisatellite constellation and radar quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) products against dense rain gauge network observations under multiple temporal scales (hourly and 3-hourly) and three spatial scales (grid cumulative, regional, and grid) over the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) in China. The results indicate that (1) at the grid cumulative scale, QPE significantly outperforms IMERG products. The correlation coefficients of QPE (0.83 ≤ CORR ≤ 0.85) are much higher than those of IMERG products (0.35 ≤ CORR ≤ 0.56), the estimation of QPE is generally significantly underestimated (−0.23 ≤ BIAS ≤ -0.16), and the BIAS of IMERG products is larger than that of QPE (−0.24 ≤ BIAS ≤ 0.23). (2) At the regional scale, the accuracy of IMERG products has been significantly improved, with relatively high correlation coefficients (CORR≥0.8) and decreased root mean squared error (RMSE) values (1.18 mm ≤ RMSE ≤ 0.22 mm), and Taylor diagrams visually show that QPE is closer to the gauge observations than are IMERG products. (3) The evaluation results at the grid scale show that both IMERG products and QPE can accurately reflect the spatial distribution of precipitation. Among these results, the spatial distribution of QPE is the most consistent with the actual rainfall, although an obvious underestimation of rainfall occurs in areas with strong rainfall. (4) In terms of detection indicators, the three IMERG products are superior to QPE at capturing rainfall events and have more advantages over QPE in the estimation of instantaneous precipitation, especially for light rain events. However, QPE has better detection effects for rainfall events under rainstorm and heavy rainstorm events, indicating the hydrologic utility of this product. Among the three IMERG products, the IMERG Early Run (ER) product has the advantages of a short lag time and high accuracy, and it has the potential to be applied in flood forecasting. Future studies should improve IMERG algorithms and promote the application of QPE in urban rainstorm and flood research.

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