
In Perundurai Taluk, which is part of Tamil Nadu's Erode District, the adequacy of underground water for agricultural use was evaluated. Numerous tanneries, chemical plants, textile factories, and dyeing facilities are located close to Perundurai. These industries directly discharge their effluents into the groundwater, which then becomes contaminated. To determine the suitability of subsurface water for agricultural use, groundwater samples from 15 villages were analyzed over the course of two seasons. The appropriateness of the groundwater's chemical type was determined by interpreting Piper trilinear diagrams. It demonstrates that underground water is more alkaline. Most groundwater samples fall into class 4 and Seenpuram falls into class 2, as shown by the USSL Staff diagram. The test results indicate that contamination in the Seenapuram is more due to SIPCOT which poses a potential risk to both agricultural soils and the local population in that area.

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