
Fifty non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects, 25 males and 25 females, free from serious complications were selected from posh areas of Ludhiana city. Diabetic and dietary information was collected using a questionnaire. Diabetic information of the subjects related to etiology of disease, family history and prevalence of symptoms was collected. Dietary information of the subjects was collected to know about their food habits and frequency of consumption of different food groups. Activity pattern of the subjects was recorded from their daily routine, and their involvement in other activities like time spent in recreational activities. Type of job, working hours, duration of sleep and any kind of physical exercise was recorded. Various anthropometric parameters viz. height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Hip Ratio (WHR), were recorded. The most common reason for diabetes among the selected subjects was obesity which lead 22% subjects to be diabetic. Family history of diabetes was found in 38% subjects. The most common symptoms were polyuria (56%), polydypsia (48%), nocturia (44%), delayed healing (44%), polyphagia (40%) and loss of weight (38%). Twenty-eight percent of the males had normal weight and 56% and 16% males were in 1st and 2nd grades of obesity respectively. Sixty-eight percent and 24% of the female subjects were in 1st and 2nd grades of obesity respectively. As reported by the subjects, majority of them (78%) were not doing any kind of physical exercise. In all 76% of the subjects had disturbed sleep of 5-6 hours. It was found that the majority of the subjects 54% were ova/non-vegetarians. Ninety-four percent subjects liked sweet and salty foods. All the subjects took wheat flour thrice a day. Pulses were consumed by 90% subjects once a day. Forty-eight percent subjects used GLV's twice a week, 84% of the subjects consumed roots and tubers at least once a day. Fifty-two percent of the subjects consumed fruits once daily. All the subjects consumed milk. About 50% of the subjects consumed fried foods daily.

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