
The wind-resistant design using equivalent static wind loads is convenient for structural engineers. This paper studies the reliability of such an approach in the case of non-Gaussianities in both aerodynamic pressures and responses. These non-Gaussianities are responsible for overestimations of envelope values and may result in uneconomical designs, if not appropriately understood, assessed and addressed. In this study, it is shown that the equivalent static wind loads defined with the Conditional Expected Load method, which extends the physical meaning of the Load-Response Correlation approach in a non-Gaussian framework, improves the issue of overestimations of envelope values. Several envelopes of structural responses are considered: the mean of extremes and the 86% quantiles of extremes, together with two reference periods (10 min and 1 h). Extensive wind tunnel measurements have been collected, which correspond to 371 h full scale. This study is undertaken for quasi-static analysis of structures and is illustrated with a low-rise building.

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