
Poultry is one of the most important and fastest growing sectors of agriculture today in India. Poultry in India has emerged as the most dynamic and diversified subsector. Estimates from all India poultry breeders association indicates that poultry will contribute for USD 17.31 billion of the total India’s gross value and satisfies the hungers of 50 million people through direct or indirect employment. Within the poultry sector, broiler and layer segment constitutes about 65.3 and 34.7 percent with the monthly turnover of 400 million chicks and 8400 million eggs respectively [1]. As per the 19th Livestock census, Karnataka ranks 5th place in both egg and meat production in India and it has about 534.42 lakh poultry (512.54 lakh in rural area and 2.19 lakh in urban areas) and 96.60 lakh fowl in backyard poultry comprising of 17.84 lakh cocks, 43.99 lakh hens and 34.77 lakh chicken below five months. The share of backyard fowl population in total fowl population was 11%. The State stands 7th in egg production and 10th in chicken meat production in the country. The present study was conducted to assess the extent of extension advisory services in contract and non-contract broiler farming. The study was conducted in 3 districts of Karnataka and the data was collected from 60 contract and 60 non-contract broiler farmers through pretested interview schedule. The study revealed that Cent percent of the Contract Broiler Farmers (CBF) depends on Integrator for the extension advisory services, non-contract broiler farmers depend upon private poultry consultant for extension advisory services. The returns are assured and almost fixed in contract broiler farming, whereas in Non-Contract Broiler Farming (NCBF) they vary widely depending upon the market price, Establishment of regulatory bodies and expansion and strengthening of the EAS is essential for further improvement.

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