
Dredging activities cause sediment resuspension, which can change the bioavailability of nutrients such as phosphorus (P) in aquatic ecosystems due to remobilization. This study evaluated the remobilization of P in the solid and dissolved phase before and after sediment resuspension in the Meriti and Iguaçu River estuaries and the Rio de Janeiro and Niterói harbor in Guanabara Bay (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Three water and sediment samples were collected at each point. Dissolved phosphorus (DP), total phosphorus (TP), organic phosphorus (OP), and inorganic phosphorus (IP) were analyzed before and after resuspension. Resuspension directly impacted the fine-grained samples, causing the release of P into the water column after resuspension, increasing eutrophication of the estuary and risk to biota. The phosphorus enrichment index (PEI) was calculated in the four areas, and in all areas, the index was above 1, which means high ecological risk. The area with sandy granulometry and a lower percentage of organic matter showed an increase in the index after resuspension. The resuspension may impact the increase of eutrophication in some areas, due to the remobilization of the sediment and the adsorbed contaminants.

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