
Objective: Medical institution uses ionizing radiation for diagnosis or treatment by using ionizing radiation generating equipment such as X-ray machines, CT, PET scan, etc. and radioactive materials especially in nuclear medicine centers. The purpose of the study is to monitor the real-time radiation around the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) campus of Bangladesh for minimizing the ionizing radiation hazard on public health and the environment. 
 Method: The radiation monitoring was performed using a real-time portable digital radiation monitoring device. This real-time digital portable radiation monitoring device meets all European CE standards as well as the American “FCC 15 standard”. The portable radiation monitoring device was placed at 1 meter above the ground on the tripod and data acquisition time for each monitoring point (MP) was 1 hour. 32 MPs were selected for the collection of radiation dose rates around the BSMMU campus from March-May 2019.
 Results: The measured dose rate around the BSMMU campus ranged from 0.02-3.15 µSv/hr with an average of 1.452 ± 0.883 µSv/hr. The annual effective dose was ranged from 0.117 ± 0.058 mSv to 5.445 ± 0.045 mSv with an average of 2.54 ± 1.566 mSv. The excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) was estimated which ranged from 4×10ˆ-4 to 2×10ˆ-2 with an average value of 1×10ˆ-2 for 32 selected locations around BSMMU campus.
 Conclusion: Dose monitoring helps to ensure the best possible protection of the radiation workers, patients, and the general public and provides an immediate indication of incorrect use of technical parameters or equipment malfunction. Not only that, but it is also essential to use an adequate amount of protective shielding for minimizing radiation hazard on public health and the environment from the scattering radiation of the hospital.

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