
In March 1977 the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) initiated a systematic assessment of energy research and development priorities in New York State. This is one of three volumes of an interim report. The first volume presents an overview of the current energy situation of the State in the national context and suggests some technological areas which, according to our preliminary analysis, appear to be of high priority for NYSERDA activity. The third volume summarizes the development of a R and D planning methodology that will be applied in the second phase of the program. In this volume the technical analysis of the New York State energy situation that was used in the first phase of the study is presented. In Part A, the Reference Case scenario of future energy supply and demand in the state is presented. Alternative assumptions to those in the Reference Case are examined in Part B as a basis for identifying the most important technological changes that can be promoted by actions on the part of NYSERDA.

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