
Objectives: to assess the elderly's satisfaction toward health care through the use of the domains of health care seeking and physical activity, and to find out the relationship between elderly's satisfaction and their demographic characteristics of age, gender, marital status, level of education, health state, and economic status. Methodology: A descriptive study concerning the assessment of elderly's satisfaction toward health care at geriatric home in Baghdad city. of November 26th, 2013 to September 3rd, 2014.The selection of the sample through a non-probability purposive sample is (N=86) of elderly aged 65 years and over who reside in geriatric home. Data are collected through interview using questionnaire tool and analyzed through the application of descriptive and inferential statistical analysis which reveal, The reliability of the questionnaire which is determined through a pilot study and the validity is achieved through a panel of (18) experts. Results: The study results showed demographic characteristics analysis of the sample concerned, the large number of the sample that was with age (65-69) years (34.9%) and also showed that majority of study sample (59.3%) are men and the remaining are women, and with regard to marital status it was found that many of them are widows and their percentage (38.4%). Regarding subject level of education, the greater number of them are illiterate and they are accounted for (48.8%) In addition, the majority of the elderly who suffer of chronic disease are (73.3) while the majority of them have no previous surgery and their percentage (58.1%) Regarding housing ownership (74.4%) they are absent or (do not have a house), and most of the elderly's monthly income is (53.5%) insufficient. Conclusion: The present study conclude the elderly were generally satisfied with health care, and it was the best domain of elderly satisfaction is the nutrient intake and the less domain of health care seeking. While the study showed that, the demographic characteristics of elderly had no impact upon their overall satisfaction toward health care except the level of education. Therefore, that gender affects the satisfaction of the elderly in seeking of health care. In addition, the monthly income effects on elderly satisfaction with nutrient intake. As well as the age and suffering of chronic diseases affecting the physical activity domain and with level of elderly satisfaction in this aspect there is an impact of each gender, level of education and monthly income of the elderly on their satisfaction towards the social domain, the age affects the elderly satisfaction with psychological domain. Recommendations: The study recommended the following: Promotion of health care provided to the elderly especially with regard to access to health care and the practice of physical activity. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health can establish a special health center for the elderly to help them to get health care. As well as the establishment of a sports hall equipped to encourage the elderly to exercise of daily activities sports. Work of collective entertainment trips continuously to improve elderly mental and social state.

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