
Today, increasing concerns about greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, and resource depletion from fossil fuels have drawn attention to wind energy. In this context, wind turbine technologies are constantly evolving to eliminate such concerns by using wind energy. The wind speed from the measurement mast at a height of 80m was used in wind turbines of different capacities and was investigated. To assess the potential of the system that produces electricity from wind energy, it has been analyzed in terms of energy, exergy, and economic. The energy and exergy efficiencies of each wind turbine were analyzed with the wind speed and meteorological data. When the average monthly power calculated for each turbine is proportioned to the turbine capacity, the energy efficiency varies between 10 and 70%. Enercon_1500 and Enercon_3050 values are high, while Enercon_3500 and Enercon_2350 have low efficiency compared to other turbines. The annual total energy production is 12.19 GWh for the highest Enercon_4200 and 4.48 GWh for the lowest Enercon_1500. The exergy efficiencies range from 20 to 79% for selected wind turbines. In the last part of the study, monthly average electricity production costs were determined by using the turbines selected for the determined region. When compared in terms of unit electricity cost, the Enercon_1500 turbine is higher, while the Enercon_4200 is lower.

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