
The article considers results of empirical research which purpose was to study the future teachers' ecological consciousness in the ascertaining stage of experiment. Analysis of the results was carried out on a number of criteria: motivational, cognitive, and emotional. The orientation of the future teachers on the educational and disciplinary or personal model of interaction with schoolchildren is regarded as the main indicator of ecological consciousness on motivational criterion. An indicator of cognitive criterion is knowledge about student's personality as a biopsychosocial subject and laws of its development. Emotional criterion is studied by identifying the level of empathy and prevailing empathy channels. Standardized psychological techniques meeting the requirements for necessary quality indicators of tests are used for the diagnosis of each of the criteria: for motivational one - test-questionnaire by V.G. Maralova "Diagnosis of teachers' orientation on disciplinary training or personal model of interaction with children"; for cognitive one - test-questionnaire "Studying of I-Concept as justification of the influence on another person" (by A.G. Abramova); for emotional one - technique for diagnosing the level of empathic abilities of V.V. Boyko. Manifestations of ecological consciousness in action (behaviour) of the future teachers are traced by monitoring the system used by students during internship of professional activities and skills that reflect the particular model of the interaction with the students. Two learning groups of junior undergraduates make up the study sample. The obtained results allow to state that 1/3 of surveyed have a low level of environmental compatibility of pedagogical consciousness, half of the respondents - an average one and the remaining part - above average level. The lack of significant differences in the studied parameters between the experimental and control groups was revealed using the Student's t-test and Wilcoxon - Mann - Whitney U-test. Based on the results obtained in the course of ascertaining stage, the conclusion about the necessity of a special work performance to improve the level of future teachers' ecological consciousness development was made.

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