
Assessment of cell viability using methods which do not require cell culture is essential in the field of aquatic microbiology, since many bacteria known to be present in aquatic environments cannot be grown in culture. The study of bacterial biofilms, which previously needed an epifluorescent microscope, has recently been enhanced by the use of flow cytometry and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). A method based on the combination of several membrane potential related dyes, a membrane integrity dye and a redox probe was used to measure cell viability by flow cytometry and confocal laser microscopy. Rhodamine-propidium iodide (PI) double staining was used to discriminate viable from nonviable cells in CSLM observations. Membrane depolarization during E. coli and Salmonella starvation measured by DiBAC4(3) incorporation (flow cytometry and CSLM) was found to be in concordance with respiratory activity as detected by a tetrazolium salt (CTC) reduction.

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