
In this paper, six drip lateral design methods were selected and a comparative assessment was done to find its practical applicability for finding accurate uniformity coefficient. Step-By-Step (SBS) method, Differential method (DM), Constant Discharge method (CDM), Variable discharge method (VDM), Outlet variation method (OVM) and Statistical method (STM) were the different methods assessed. The percentage relative error in calculating the uniformity coefficient by different methods were obtained as the difference between step-by-step method (true) value and alternate method (observed) value. These errors were tabulated. VDM and OVM method performed well with equal accuracy to SBS method at different slopes. For L=250m, DM method performed well. The STM performed good for down slope and lateral length of 250m with 6 per cent relative error. The method having lesser relative percentage error can be selected by the design engineers for designing the laterals from the relative percentage error tables.

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