
Potential exposure is prospectively considered exposure that is not expected to be delivered with certainty but that may result from an anticipated operational occurrence or accidents because of equipment failures, operating errors or external initiators. Potential exposure situations are events of probabilistic nature and the possible radiological impact as a comprehensive view shall be considered. In this paper a Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) Level-3 for potential exposure was fulfilled using computer code MACCS (MELCOR Accident Consequence Code Systems). Additionally the deterministic modeling of consequence analysis for the critical meteorological conditions was fulfilled by the JRODOS decision support system (Real-time On-line Decision Support system for off-site emergency management in Europe). The framework for doses and risk assessment from potential exposure of accident releases are presented. Two approaches of safety acceptability analysis are demonstrated: the estimated doses dependent on distances of a release and other one is risk estimation. Both approaches are complementary, although the risk approach takes into account more aspects. So, the usage both of them can be considered an advantage. Comparison of the consequences with the risk curve acceptability criteria is shown.

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