
The aim of this work was to determine phytotoxicity of washing waste-waters from a cutlery production line with high content of Cr and Ni. These waters were previously classified, without verification, as dangerous and it is now necessary to question the justice of the present classification under the new legislation for waste management (Waste Law No. 223/2001) in the Slovak Republic. Young seedling of the dicotyledon terrestrial plant mustard Sinapis alba L. were used for determination of the dry and fresh root and shoot biomass and photosynthetic pigment production. Observed parameters were evaluated in laboratory experiments with three types of washing waste-waters from a cutlery production line. All contamination of tested washing waste-waters came from heavy metals (Ni, Cr), non-polar extractable compounds (NEC; residues of oils and waxes from polishing of stainless steel cutlery) and detergents (used for cutlery degreasing). Photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, b, and total carotenoids) were extracted in 96% ethanol and measured spectrophotometrically at 665, 649, and 470 nm. All phytotoxicity tests were carried out in triplicate, and they included a control in tap water. All tested washing waters reduced root dry mass, whereas the shoot dry mass was either unaffected or it increased. The tested washing waters' effect was stronger on fresh mass production than on dry mass production. This indicated problems in water reception and translocation. The adverse effect on photosynthetic pigments production increased only slowly with remaining washing waste-water concentration. Almost all Chl a/b ratios were the same as for the control and this indicated no significant differences in the reduction of either a or b chlorophylls. As opposed to chlorophylls, carotenoids content increased in the presence of tested washing waste-waters and equaled or exceeded their content in the control. As the ratio of Chl(a + b)/Car was lower than that for the control for almost all tested samples, a stronger reduction in chlorophylls than in carotenoids was confirmed. The phytotoxicity of waste-waters from cutlery production line washing reservoirs was evaluated and the effects on dry and fresh mass production and photosynthetic pigments amount was discussed as Cr and Ni toxicity. It is concluded from the present study that washing waste-waters from cutlery production line are quite toxic to plants, thus reducing biomass and photosynthetic pigment production and influencing water translocation through the plant. These determined adverse effects of washing waste-waters from this cutlery production line classified them as too dangerous to be spread on open-land soil. On the basis of this study, high toxicity of the presented waste-waters from metal surface-finishing as well as justness of their liquidation as hazardous wastes by legally assigned persons were recommended.

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