
Hydrogen energy is a clean and efficient secondary energy source, and hydrogen derived from renewable sources is regarded as the key to achieving a low-carbon clean energy supply. Currently, the hydrogen energy supply chain is still in its development stage and requires a comprehensive comparative analysis of various hydrogen production technologies as well as storage and transportation methods to ensure the optimal application route for hydrogen energy. In this study, GaBi 10 software is used to conduct a comparative and evaluative analysis of the potential environmental impact associated with hydrogen energy application. The life cycle assessment encompasses all stages of the hydrogen supply chain, including production, transportation and utilization. The results indicate that hydrogen production from wind power has the lowest global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP), eutrophication potential (EP) and photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP). Due to the high energy consumption of the liquefaction process, liquid hydrogen transportation is currently associated with the largest carbon emissions among all modes of hydrogen transport. However, if renewable energy sources are utilized to power hydrogen liquefaction, significant reductions in carbon emissions can be achieved. An evaluation of the carbon footprint associated with the completed hydrogen supply chain indicates that hydrogen produced from renewable sources is cost-effective for use in gas-fired boilers from an environmental perspective.

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