
ABSTRACT Sorting coal using x-ray transmission sensors has been explored since 1972 by Jenkinson et al. Coal sortability is assessed using washability derived from dual-energy X-Ray transmission (DE-XRT) system. Coal sorting is considered to be dry separation of coal that can be carried out before coal is send to the processing plant. It can act as deshaling/destoning process or it can also be used to selectively mine shallow coal seams to avoid overburden contamination hence dilution. There are a few commercial concepts in the coal industry which utilizes the XRT sensors to sort the coarse particle coal. In order to define final product quality in terms of ash as well the efficiency of any separation based on density such as yield, washability is used to determine the separation process parameter such as density of separation, e.g. specific gravity. Washability characteristics have been traditionally assessed using the float-sink (washability) tests. These analyses determine how much of coal can be separated from associated rock (mineral matter) in liquids of different densities. However, the test work requires a wet processing where organic liquids, referred to as heavy liquids are used. The test work is very time consuming as it requires significant amount of time to complete full washability for a wide spectrum of coal particles. To avoid using toxic chemicals and save time, the DE-XRT can easily become an alternative method to assess the washability of coarse coal before the coal is processed by sorting to establish separation parameters and obtain information about the yield of clean coal of desired quality in terms of ash content. In this project in order to assess effectiveness of DE-XRT for sorting and at the same time to derive the washability data for the coarse coal, the test work has been designed to test various lithotypes identified from coarse coal sample. As a result, the test work included classification of coal lithotypes (larger pieces of coal of certain petrographic composition), density measurement using both DE-XRT and float-sink tests and ash analysis. The results are compared to float-sink tests for coarse coal fractions obtained by proxy washability analysis derived from pycnometry. Similar to float-sink tests, the DE-XRT can estimate a relative density by measuring the attenuation of x-rays from two different energy levels. The paper explains the basics of the DE-XRT analysis and its data processing methods to determine the relative densities and how to derive washability curves and density of separation for coal sorting. The basic principle of dual-material decomposition is adopted from Dual-Energy CT in the medical industry where the sum of each vector provides a proportion of the two material.

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