
Arsenic exposure from wood treated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) remains a concern due to its presence around homes. This study evaluated children's exposure to As from CCA-treated staircases through determination of bioaccessible soil As and measurements of dislodgeable As on hand railings, steps and surfaces of household objects impacted by CCA–wood leachate. Total As concentrations in 84 soil samples from 4 apartment complexes were elevated at 1.2–66.6mg/kg with bioaccessible As at 17–84%. Deterministic risk equations were used to estimate daily doses of As in children with estimates ranging from 0.41–54.9μg/day from ingestion of dislodgeable As. Lifetime average daily doses from ingestion of dislodgeable As and soil ranged from 8.1×10−6 to 3.0×10−5mg/kg/day, with estimated cancer risks being 1.2–4.5×10−5. Collectively, these results highlight potential health risks in children who have near-daily exposure to As from CCA-wood and are consistent with estimates generated by USEPA's SHEDS-Wood probabilistic exposure model.

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