
The purpose of the research is to analyze the data of scientific literature on the correlation of caries in deciduous teeth with various somatic diseases in children.
 Research materials and methods. The bibliosemantic method was used to analyze the results of previous research based on literature sources and electronic resources.
 Results of the research. Worldwide rates of general and dental morbidity, namely the incidence of caries, are constantly growing among the pediatric population, Ukraine being no exception. According to the results of research by leading domestic scientists, caries in children is 5 times more common than asthma, 4 times more common than obesity, and 20 times more common than diabetes. The caries of deciduous teeth deserves particular attention as its incidence increases with age. It is established that at the age of 1 caries is diagnosed in 12-15% of infants; after a year this figure doubles, in 3-year-olds it is diagnosed in every second child and increases to 85-95% in 6-7-year-old patients. The high incidence of dental caries is facilitated by the fact that caries is a multifactorial disease and one of the main causes of caries is the presence of somatic pathology in a child. According to the state statistics, the age dynamics in relation to disease accumulation index is as follows: among children 0-6 years, the index is 1,15; among children aged 7–14 - 1,46 and among adolescents - 1,7.
 Numerous scientific studies of domestic and foreign scientists reveal the relationship between the development of dental caries and somatic pathology. Since the body is a holistic system, this problem needs to be considered using a comprehensive approach of pediatricians and dentists.
 Kuzmina DA and co-authors identified four groups at risk of developing carious disease. The first group included children with diseases associated with impaired bone metabolism, the second – with dysbiotic disorders, the third – with trophic and the fourth group included children with chemical injuries of the oral cavity.
 At the same time, Murlanova TP found that the highest prevalence of caries of deciduous teeth is observed in children with diseases of the respiratory system (97.60%) and gastrointestinal tract (86.70%), the highest intensity (6.52 teeth) being observed in children with musculoskeletal system disorders.
 The dental status of children with type 1 diabetes was studied by Wang Y, Xing L, Yu H, Zhao L. The researchers analyzed 358 world publications and found that the prevalence of caries is on average 67%, with the highest rates (84%) in South America.
 Significantly more caries-affected teeth compared with somatically healthy children were found in the hepatobiliary system pathology. Systemic enamel hypoplasia is often diagnosed in children with hereditary and congenital diseases along with multiple caries lesions. The negative impact on children’s dental system has been established in adenoid hypertrophy. There have been conducted many studies on the dental status of children with disabilities associated with CNS diseases and different levels of anxiety, as well as children with mental retardation and severe speech disorders. The mass incidence of caries of deciduous teeth among 5-6 year old children according to WHO criteria was recorded in children with autism.
 The results of our research suggest a significantly higher incidence of caries of temporary teeth in children with pathology of the musculoskeletal system (MSS) than in somatically healthy children. The analysis of dental caries considering the nature of MSS disorders showed more caries-affected teeth in children with combined pathology than in children with flat feet and posture disorders.
 The results of the study confirm the correlation between dental caries and somatic pathology and will be aimed at addressing the development of a differentiated program for the prevention of dental caries in children with somatic status in the future.


  • The purpose of the research is to analyze the data of scientific literature on the correlation

  • The bibliosemantic method was used to analyze the results of previous research based on literature sources

  • that at the age of 1 caries is diagnosed in 12-15% of infants

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Актуальність дослідження

Карієс зубів належить до найпоширеніших хвороб і займає одне з чільних місць у структурі загальної захворюваності дитячого віку. Особливої уваги заслуговує карієс тимчасових зубів, оскільки згідно з дослідженнями Трубки І.О. При аналізі літературних джерел за 2007–2017 рр., поширеність карієсу тимчасових зубів в Україні показала стале зростання і під упливом певних чинників ризику й залежно від регіону проживання зросла до 100 % [3]. Високій ураженості зубів карієсом сприяє те, що карієс – хвороба мультифакторна, а однією з вагомих причин виникнення карієсу є наявність у дитини соматичної патології. Подальше прогресування локального й системного дисбалансу, дефіцит вітамінів, мінеральних речовин, білків викликають зміни, які виснажують захисні системи організму дитини, знижують імунологічну реактивність і підвищують ризик розвитку соматичної патології й карієсу зубів. Питання поєднаних патологій серед проблем дитячої стоматології займають вагоме місце, тому метою нашого дослідження став аналіз даних наукових літературних джерел щодо взаємозв’язку карієсу тимчасових зубів із різними соматичними хворобами в дітей

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