
Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy consumption in the building sector requires not only improving the energy efficiency of buildings but also minimising material requirements, embodied emissions, and waste generation. Circular Economy (CE) principles can be applied to minimize resource extraction and waste generation in the building industry. However, to implement effective CE strategies, quantification and evaluation of materials accumulated in buildings are required. This study aims to provide accurate data and a detailed analysis of the materials available in the EU27 residential building sector. By elaborating the data provided by the H2020 European projects Hotmaps and AmBIENCe, the different materials used for floors, roofs, walls, windows, and insulation layers in single-family houses, multifamily houses, and apartment blocks in the different construction periods were quantified for each EU27 country. Considering results at the EU27 level, concrete and brick characterize the largest part of the European residential building stock, whereas materials such as wood and different types of rock are used in much more limited amounts. These results form the basis for policymakers to monitor the status of the residential building sector, evaluate the potential of CE policies at a national level, and assess the environmental impact of building practices through lifecycle assessment.

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