
Background. Establishing and integrating Basic Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn Care (BEmONC)-capable facilities into the healthcare delivery system is one of the strategies employed by the Philippine government to address high maternal mortality.Objectives. This study aimed to determine the functionality of BEmONC-capable rural health units (RHUs) in Luzon, the largest island in the country.Methods. The study utilized a researcher-administered facility survey and facility observation using a checklist designed to measure BEmONC functionality. Facilities were selected through a two-stage sampling method. A BEmONC Score Card was used to determine the overall functionality of a facility based on three categories — institutional capacity, service capacity, and personnel capacity. The total scores from the three categories provided the overall functionality score.Results. Of the 245 BEmONC-provider RHUs included in the study, 85 (35%) were adequately functional. The mean functionality score for Luzon (60±25.27) corresponded to adequate functionality. The mean institutional and service capacities were consistently high across all regions on the island. Still, the personnel capacity did not reach the minimum average, pulling down the overall score and leading to low overall functionality.Conclusion. The BEmONC facilities continue to function despite being hampered by factors that can be easilyremedied. The provision of BEmONC services remains relevant across all regions in Luzon as they fill in the gaps and serve the needs of mothers and pregnant women. This study should be replicated in the Visayas and Mindanao to obtain a complete representation of the BEmONC program.

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