
Aim – to determine the association between Pro12Ala polymorphism of PPAR-γ gene with the risk of obstetric complications. Materials and methods. A total of 97 women with normal prepregnancy weight, singleton pregnancy, delivery at 37 weeks or more and without chronic diseases with follow-up of pregnancy and 1 year after delivery at antenatal clinics. Anthropometry, determination of body fat percentage (BF %) by spectral bioimpedansometry method, Pro12Ala polymorphism of the PPAR-γ gene using the polymerase chain reaction were performed. Statistical analyses were carried out using Microsoft Excel-based statistical analysis package. Results. Gestational weight gain (GWG) was diagnosed 1.6 times higher in women with PPAR-γ Pro12Ala polymorphism, than in those with the Pro/Pro genotype (P < 0.05). In the group of women with an excessive weight gain, the number of Ala-allele carriers was 2.6 times (OR 3.2, 95 % CI 1.1–9.3, P < 0.05) higher than among subjects with recommended weight gain. PPAR-γ Ala12 carriers had 1.3 times greater BF % compared to homozygous Pro-carriers (P < 0.05). One year postpartum, Ala12-allele patients had body weight and body mass index (BMI) 1.3 (P < 0.05) and 1.2 (P < 0.05) times higher, respectively, compared to Pro/Pro genotype women. The presence of Pro12Ala polymorphism 1.8 times (OR 3.1; 95% CI 1.3–7.7; P < 0.05) increased the risk of postpartum weight retention. It has been found, that in women with Pro12Ala polymorphism of PPAR-γ gene, the risk of preterm delivery was increased by 2.7 times (OR 3.7, 95 % CI, 1.3–10.5, P < 0.05), placental dysfunction – by 2.1 times (OR 3.6, 95 % CI 1.4–9.4, P < 0.05), intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) – by 2.7 times (OR 3.7, 95 % CI 1.3–10.5, P < 0.05), preeclampsia – by 2.0 times (OR 2.9; 95% CI 1.1–7.2, P < 0.05), polyhydramnios – by 3,3 times (OR 4.2, 95 % CI, 1.3–13.5, P < 0.05), oligohydramnios – by 2.8 times (OR 3.5, 95 % CI, 1.1–11.0, P < 0.05) as compared to Pro/Pro genotype carriers. Conclusions. The failure of metabolic and angiogenic adaptive processes during pregnancy with proven altered gene potential, can serve as a biological marker for the mother's genotype and an increased risk of genetic predisposition to metabolic and cardiovascular diseases development after delivery.


  • Statistical analyses were carried out using Microsoft Excel-based statistical analysis package

  • PPAR-γ Ala12 carriers had 1.3 times greater BF % compared to homozygous Pro-carriers (P < 0.05)

  • The presence of Pro12Ala polymorphism 1.8 times increased the risk of postpartum weight retention

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Original research

Вивчення асоціації Pro12Ala поліморфізму гена PPAR-γ з ризиком розвитку акушерських ускладнень. Гестаційне збільшення маси тіла (ГЗМТ) у жінок з Ala поліморфізмом гена PPAR-γ було більшим в 1,6 раза порівняно з Pro/Pro генотипом (р < 0,05). Встановили, що в жінок із Pro12Ala поліморфізмом гена PPAR-γ зростає ризик загрози передчасних пологів у 2,7 раза (OR 3,7; 95 % CI 1,3–10,5, р < 0,05), плацентарної дисфункції у 2,1 раза (OR 3,6; 95 % CI 1,4–9,4, р < 0,05), затримки внутрішньоутробного розвитку (ЗВУР) плода у 2,7 раза (OR 3,7; 95 % CI 1,3–10,5, р < 0,05), прееклампсії у 2,0 раза (OR 2,9; 95 % CI 1,1–7,2, р < 0,05), багатоводдя у 3,3 раза (OR 4,2; 95 % CI 1,3–13,5, р < 0,05), маловоддя у 2,8 раза (OR 3,5; 95 % CI 1,1–11,0, р < 0,05) порівняно з гомозиготними Pro-носіями. Гестационное увеличение массы тела (ГУМТ) у женщин с Ala полиморфизмом гена PPAR-γ было в 1,6 раза больше по сравнению с Pro/Pro генотипом (р < 0,05). Ostafiichuk Aim – to determine the association between Pro12Ala polymorphism of PPAR-γ gene with the risk of obstetric complications

Materials and methods
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