
The present study analyses in order to determine whether or not arsenic contamination exists in rivers and what are cause responsible for it. India has 764 river water quality monitoring sites across the subcontinent. The study analyses 432 monitoring stations due to data availability. The most important rivers in India flow through Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and others. The current study is shaped by causal research under the applied research approach used by academics and practitioners in river water assessment. Quantitative techniques were implemented during initial secondary data collection & analyses. The study also conducted a content analysis and sweeping review of how institutions in India talk about the origins and effects of arsenic toxicity. The central water commission data has discovered that almost all rivers have arsenic amounts below the permissible limit except eight rivers. Arsenic contamination can be caused by a variety of natural and human activities. However, research indicates that industrial processes are the primary contributor.

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