
The paper compares remotely sensed glacier inventories of the Byrranga, Suntar-Khayata, and Chersky ranges (2003), Koryak Highland and Chukotka mountains (2008) with data from the Inventory of Glaciers of the USSR (1945–1985). We studied changes in glacier area since the Inventory, which was primarily based on aerial photos and field research. The glaciers have been classified by orientation (aspect) and morphological type. Overall the glacierization of the Chersky Range (1970–2003), Suntar-Khayata (1945–2003), Byrranga (1967–2003), Koryak Highland (1950–2003) and Meynypilginsky Range (1984–2008) reduced by about 30, 20, 15, 60 (debatable value) and 25% respectively due to summer temperature rise. Calculation of glacier volumes for the dates indicated in the USSR Glacier Inventory and satellite imagery: during this period in sum for 5 studied glacier regions the area, covered by ice, has decreased by 225.2 km², and ice volume – by 8.7 Gtg. Construction of spatial patterns (maps) of current ELA for 3 different by climate mountain regions – the Suntar-Khayata Mountains– Chersky Range, and Meynypilgynsky Range ( North Far East), showed that despite of retreat of the glaciers, the mean ELA change for the first studied region is not large compared with the data from the Glacier Inventory (100 m ), and significant for the second (100–150 m).


  • We studied changes in glacier area since the Inventory, which was primarily based on aerial photos and field research

  • Calculation of glacier vol umes for the dates indicated in the USSR Glacier Inventory and satellite imagery: during this period in sum for 5 studied glacier regions the area, covered by ice, has decreased by 225.2 km, and ice volume – by 8.7 Gtg. Construction of spatial patterns (maps) of current ELA for 3 different by climate mountain regions – the Suntar‐Khayata Mountains– Chersky Range, and Meynypilgynsky Range (North Far East), showed that despite of retreat of the glaciers, the mean ELA change for the first studied region is not large compared with the data from the Glacier Inventory (100 m), and significant for the second (100–150 m)

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Ледники и ледниковые покровы

Для оп­ре­де­ле­ния со­вре­мен­но­го рас­про­стра­не­ ния лед­ни­ков се­ве­ро‐вос­то­ка Си­би­ри не­об­хо­ди­мы сним­ки, ко­гда лед­ни­ко­вый лёд сво­бо­ден от снеж­но­ го по­кро­ва, а это очень ко­рот­кий пе­ри­од – с кон­ца ию­ля до на­ча­ла сен­тяб­ря, т.е. Со­кра­ще­ ние пло­ща­ди этих лед­ни­ков со­ста­ви­ло 40–50% (к 2003 г.), что по‐преж­нем­ у дов­ оль­но боль­шая ве­ ли­чи­на, но бо­лее реа­ли­стич­ная. Мень­шие по пло­ща­ ди лед­ни­ки (ка­ро­вые и ка­ро­во‐ви­ся­чие) по­те­ря­ли со­от­вет­ст­вен­но мень­шую пло­щадь; мак­си­маль­ ная по­те­ря пло­ща­ди ха­рак­тер­на для лед­ни­ков се­ ве­ро‐вос­точ­ной и се­ве­ро‐за­пад­ной экс­по­зи­ций. От­но­си­тель­ ное со­кра­ще­ние пло­ща­ди ве­ли­ко и сре­ди лед­ни­ ков юж­ной, вос­точ­ной и за­пад­ной экс­по­зи­ций для всех мор­фо­ло­ги­че­ских ти­пов, но осо­бен­но для ка­ ро­во‐до­лин­ных и ка­ро­вых лед­ни­ков. Се­вер­ная и се­ве­ро‐вос­точ­ная экс­по­зи­ции от­сту­пив­ших лед­ни­ков боль­ше ха­рак­ терн­ ы для сев­ ер­ о‐вост­ ок­ а Сиб­ ир­ и – ледн­ ик­ ов гор Сун­тар‐Хая­та и хр. Никитина площади ледников и объёмы льда для изучаемых ледниковых районов

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