
The present study aimed at fulfilling the necessity of thermal comfort air in a defined space. A novel -humidifier system where the grey/saline water is filtered and used in an evaporative cooling system to fulfil the requirements of thermal comfort air. Water is made to pass through the first stage of packing to filter the contaminated water, and it is filtered again in a humidifier packing section, which then mixes with air to undergo humidification with reduction in its temperature. Experiments were conducted to evaluate, air quality, and system performance. Various humidification parameters such as humidification efficiency, coefficient of performance (COP), change in pressure and specific humidity were determined. Experimental results indicated that, with the rise in the liquid-to-gas ratio, there is a rise in a change in temperature, specific humidity and COP. The system yielded maximum efficiency, pressure drop, COP, specific humidity change, and a temperature drop of 84 %, 270 Pa, 1.85, 1 g/kg and 5.3 °C respectively. Air quality measurement revealed that departing air offered good thermal comfort without any pollution. Therefore, the innovative system proves beneficial in hot areas that experience significant cooling demands, such as countries in the Middle East, which also face a scarcity of fresh water.

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