
Glossary.- 1. Future Directions for Assessment in Music by Don Lebler.- 2. Backwards Assessment Explanations: Implications for Teaching and Assessment Practice by D Royce Sadler.- 3. Assessment in Music in the European Context: The Polifonia Project by Mary Lennon.- 4. Assessment in Music in the Australian Context: The AiM Project by Don Lebler, Jonathan Holmes, Scott D. Harrison, Gemma Carey, & Melissa Cain.- 5. Challenging Approaches to Assessment of Instrumental Learning by Katie Zhukov.- 6. The Bachelor of Music: Purpose, Desires and Requirements by Heather Monkhouse.- 7. Participants' Perceptions of the Role of Fair and Valid Assessment Tasks in Tertiary Music Education by Melissa Cain.- 8. Assessment and Critical Feedback in the Master-apprentice Relationship: Rethinking Approaches to the Learning of a Music Instrument by Ryan Daniel & Kelly A. Parkes.- 9. Assessing Music Performance Process and Outcome through a Rubric: Ways and Means by Diana Blom, Ian Stevenson, & John Encarnacao.- 10. Embedding Creative and Critical Thinking in Performance Studies - the Challenge by Helen English & Richard Vella.- 11. A Search for Balance: The Development of a Performance Assessment form for Classical Instrumental Music in the Tertiary Context by Eve Newsome.- 12. Linking Assessment Practices, Unit-level Outcomes, and Discipline Specific Capabilities in Contemporary Music Studies by Diane Hughes & Sarah Keith.- 13. New Wine in Old Bottles: Aligning Curricula, Pedagogy and Assessment through Creative Practice in Classical and Contemporary Music by Annie Mitchell.- 14. Assessments for Music Theory: Three Situations by Gerardo Dirie.- 15. The BoPMAT: Bachelor of Music Popular Music Program by Don Lebler.- 16. The Amazing Marking Machine. A Process for Authentic, Efficient Assessment by Jim Chapman.- 17. Assessment and Feedback in Curricula Design for Contemporary Vocal Studies by Diane Hughes.- 18. Musical Theatre Assessment: Perspectives on the Efficacy of Continuous Assessment by Jessica O'Bryan, Scott D.Harrison, & Paul Sabey.- 19. Aligning Student Attitudes, Assessment, and Curriculum Design: A Case Study using My Life as a Musician Vocational Preparation Strand by Diana Tolmie & Duncan Nulty.- Concluding Thoughts: Assessment in Music for the 21st Century by Scott D. Harrison, Don Lebler & Gemma Carey.

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