
Developing countries are facing challenges to adopt the Industry 4.0 in their manufacturing sector. One of the reasons is lacking technological and maturity models’ compatibility to assess the current state of maturity and readiness level. This empirical research has presented a maturity model based on the IMPULS models developed by the German Association of Mechanical Engineers and the Singapore Smart Industry Readiness Index with some modifications. A comprehensive and compatible lean modified manufacturing maturity model for Industry 4.0 (LM4I4.0) has been developed and validated. The proposed model has add-on dimension of the lean philosophy. This modification provides the facility to integrate the two main manufacturing paradigms of lean and Industry 4.0. The developed LM4I4.0 has been validated in fifty manufacturing industries of Pakistan and results have been presented in the data analysis format. The data mining, dimension cluster analysis, and computation of data shows that the proposed model is compatible for the developing country. Moreover, the results and analysis show that the maturity level of Pakistani manufacturing is 3.39, which means companies are immature in context of Industry 4.0. The proposed methodology may be used to conduct self-evaluations and enable businesses to undertake self-assessments in order to align themselves with Industry 4.0 in a systematic way. It will, therefore, provide a direction to formulate the enterprise transformation strategies in Industry 4.0 paradigm.

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