
Waxprecipitationanddepositionincrudeoilscanproduce flowassuranceproblemsinproductionandtransportation operations. Knowledge of the wax appearance temperature (WAT) and the amount of wax that precipitates from the crude oil at different temperatures, i.e., the wax precipitation curve (WPC), is necessary for accurate predictions of wax deposition in subsea pipelines. The theoretical study of the wax precipitation process is frequently carried out using thermodynamic models. These models requireasinputinformationthe molecularweightandthen-paraffindistributionofthe crudeoil.Then-paraffindistribution is commonly determined by high-temperature gas chromatography (HTGC) analysis, but it has some limitations such as the low signal/noise ratios, elution and resolution problems in the heavy compounds zone, and discrepancies with regard to the delineation ofthebaselinetointegratethechromatogram.Inthiswork,threevariableshavebeenanalyzedtoimprovethen-paraffindistribution obtained byHTGC:the total amount ofC20 þ paraffin, extrapolation ofparaffinconcentration above C38 þ ,and molecularweightof crude oil. The results predicted were compared to experimental data obtained by fractional precipitation and differential scanning calorimetry, showing great influence of the n-paraffin distribution on the model accuracy.

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