
The present study was aimed at assessing and analyzing the agricultural technology adoption in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivation during six years (2013–18) period in south-western Punjab. These results include survey of 420 farmers with wide range of demographic background viz. 84.3% medium aged (>35 years), 72.4% having 5–8 family members, 42.6% matriculate and 51% with farm sizes <1 ha. Survey results showed that >85% farmers were cultivating non-recommended cotton varieties during 2013–15, while 78–100% farmers shifted towards adoption of recommended cotton varieties during 2016–18. High cotton seed rate (>2.25 kg ha−1) was used in areas with poor quality underground water. Six years average showed that ~77% farmers applied 75–150 kg N ha−1, while the proportion of farmers applying >150 kg N ha1 decreased by ~50% in 2016, compared with 2015. Only ~13% farmers (average of 6 years) did not apply fertilizer-P to cotton. The proportion of farmers not applying KNO3 decreased from 86 to ~25% during 2013–18. About 10.5% farmers applied only three irrigations in cotton, due to non-availability of good quality underground and canal water. For weed management, ~40.7% farmers preferred manual, while ~28.2% farmers adopted integrated (manual + chemical) measures. Six years average showed that ~75% of farmers sprayed 3–6 times, while ~18% sprayed ≥8 times against sucking insect-pest infestation. Mean seed cotton yield was significantly (p<0.05) lower during 2015, and increased by ~1.9 times in 2016. A significantly lower seed cotton yield in Jhunir block was related to poor quality underground water. These results showed the need of more intensified extension efforts for increased adoption of component technologies for cotton yield maximization.

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