
Background: Coronavirus is a virus from "Large family of enveloped” RNA Coronaviruses (CoVs) that have positive-strands and infect the respiratory tract of human beings and mammals. The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is from four (4) groups of human coronaviruses (HCoVs) such as HCoV 229E, NL63, and OC43. COVID-19 which is caused by SARS-CoV-2 has raised some issues about humans' life; researchers and the general public would like to know whether confidence/trust in health care delivery is one of them. The goal three (SDGs, 3) of the United Nations (UN) Sustainabel Development Goals (SDGs), which is Health and well-being, cannot be achieved in an environment of mistrust where there is no confidence. There can be no quality health care delivery in a trustless environment, especially amongst patients and health care providers! Psychosocial problems and perceptions are open secretes that create mistrust in health care delivery or medicine. To have quality health care delivery, our perception(s) that create(s) "psychological” or "emotional” problems is/are very important and must be considered, dealing with such issues would automatically lead to increased confidence that creates a trustworthy environment. As the saying goes, your health is your wealth! If people are falling sick and cannot work, poverty will also set in: therefore, they can not have peace.Aim: To assess whether COVID-19 Pandemic has revealed confidence in health care delivery in Ghana or globally and the effects of lack of confidence on health seeking or prevention behaviours.Methodology: Questionnaires would be given out to nine hundred (900) consented individuals (health professionals, and the general public who are above 18 years) to answer. Reactions of people on official social media groups like WhatsApp or Facebook will also be considered. Peer reviewed published and non-published literatures will be reviewed using related online publications between 1985 to 2020 that is applicable to this project. Three strategical search approaches will be used to search for literature: data from health and social issues , custom Google seacrhes; then consultation of experts for validation of results. Hypothesis: COVID-19 Pandemic has brought confidence/trust in Health Care Delivery in Ghana or globally.Expected Outcome: We expect the findings of the project to assess whether COVID-19 Pandemic brought some confidence in health care delivery in Ghana or Globally. The findings would also lead to increased trust or change of misconception(s) about health care delivery in Ghana or Globally. Findings of the project are expected to be out by the end of March, 2021.

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